With Love, Audrey


The WLA interview series highlights various guests, diving into the ways they make time for playful exploration. What quotes do they live by? What brings them joy? These brief interviews seek to celebrate their unique perspectives, learn from their inspirations, and uncover a glimpse of their everyday world through the planners they use. 

Audrey Liira 

Audrey Liira is a home and lifestyle influencer based in Vancouver, British Columbia. She creates digital content and user generated content. As a certified health coach, she focuses on helping people step into freedom & confidence in your wellness journey through primary food nourishment, self-connection, and sustainable lifestyle shifts. You can read more about her thoughts on holistic wellness on her blog.

Describe your creative routine. How do you make time for playful exploration, and what habits help you tap into your imagination?

My creative routine ebbs and flows (as I’m sure it does for most!). Playful exploration is something I have been tapping into a lot more recently. I find that I need to physically put something in my calendar to remind myself to make time for it rather than letting it take the back-burner within my list of priorities. For example, I recently signed up for a pottery class! 

I also find that taking time to be still and turn inward is a big part of my “creative excavation,” if you will. The routine of morning pages has been huge for me in this way. I am currently going through the 12-week book The Artist’s Way, a process that has really helped me connect deeper to myself and my creativity.

What’s your favourite way to use a planner?

I am big on both organization and on dreaming and I love to use a planner for both of these things! I plan out my daily schedules and to-dos as well as set goals for myself to work toward my future dreams. 

What activities nourish your soul and give you joy?

Being an introvert, my solo time is really soul-nourishing to me. Time to be still and quiet on a regular basis as well as solo time in nature are where I find myself recharged and inspired the most.

Good food and travel are also things that bring me major joy—if they’re coupled together, even better! 

Ironically, even as an introvert, quality time with my closest people is also something my soul needs to feel deeply nourished. I think it’s part of the human experience—needing connection. It’s also where I find a lot of inspiration creatively—in other people’s experiences and perspectives.

Do you have any quotes you live by, or something that inspires you daily?

A mantra I have been living by lately is “There is enough time for everything that matters.”

It has helped me slow my pace and my mind to focus on the things that *truly* matter in life. We are inundated with so much noise and so many to-do’s in our day-to-day lives, but if we pause and think about what it is that actually matters to us, the list becomes significantly shorter. Reminding myself that there is enough time for the handful of things on that list has been really key for me.

What’s one thing on your life bucket list?

Something on my bucket list is to go to a BTS concert! If I get to go back to Seoul for it, that’s 2 bucket list items in 1!

This post was originally published on our Substack.

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